Yang tobin index

Basically the key number is resp rate/tidal volume (f/Vt), also called the rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI), or even the Tobin index or the Yang-Tobin index depending on where you're at. The point is that when we are working hard to breathe, we breathe rapidly and shallow.

Background: The Yang Tobin Index (Y/T) is a simple and objective measure to predict successful extubation. There are no Colombian studies supporting the use of Y/T as a predictor of successful 458 Colombia Médica Vol. 42 Nº 4, 2011 (Octubre-Diciembre) Sensitivity and specificity of the Yang Tobin Index to predict extubation success in critical patients *The TOBIN INDEX (Frequency : Tidal volume ratio), also known as the RAPID SHALLOW BREATHING INDEX (RSBI), is perhaps the best negative predictive instrument when performed as Yang and Tobin originally described. *If the result is less than 105, then there is nearly a 70% chance the patient will pass extubation. Karl L. Yang, M.D., and Martin J. Tobin, M.D. The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an unsuccessful outcome of weaning were determined in 36 Tobin Index or Rapid Shallow Breathing Index for predicting readiness of weaning from mechanical ventilator. Tobin Index or Rapid Shallow Breathing Index for predicting readiness of weaning from The rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) is a tool that is used in the weaning of mechanical ventilation on intensive care units.The RSBI is defined as the ratio of respiratory frequency to tidal volume (f/VT). People on a ventilator who cannot tolerate independent breathing tend to breathe rapidly (high frequency) and shallowly (low tidal volume), and will therefore have a high RSBI. Manzo Palacios E et al. Utilidad de la relación F/Vt (Índice de ventilación superficial) protocolo de Yang y Tobin 189 medigraphic.com los métodos óptimos de reducir y retirar a los pa-cientes con ventilación mecánica (VM). Estos es-

Oil distribution in fried potatoes monitored by infrared microspectroscopy. P Bouchon, P Hollins, M Pearson, DL Pyle, MJ Tobin. Journal of Food Science 66 ( 7), 

on assets (ROA), Tobin's q, and market value added (MVA)]. In addition tiple organizations (Watkins, Yang, and Marsick, 1997; Yang, Watkins, and Fit Indices for Measurement Models of the DLOQ. Measurement Models. Fit Index. 43 Items. Huang Yi, Yang Xiugang The contribution of this paper complements the Tobin Q theory and validates that stock price volatility plays a mediating role between Trading with tigers: a technical analysis of southeast asian stock index futures. Genetic studies of body mass index yield new insights for obesity biology. AE Locke AR Wood, T Esko, J Yang, S Vedantam, TH Pers, S Gustafsson, AY Chu, Nature C Newton-Cheh, T Johnson, V Gateva, MD Tobin, M Bochud, L Coin, . 1 Jun 2014 production process, namely technical efficiency (e.g. Sheu & Yang, measures such as financial ratios and Tobin's Q as firm performance  Measurement corporate value use Tobin?s Q ratio. Penerapan IFRS terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi pada perusahaan Sektor Tekstil yang Listing di BEI). Available at: .

23 May 1991 Karl L. Yang, M.D.,; and Martin J. Tobin, M.D. The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an 

Karl L. Yang, M.D., and Martin J. Tobin, M.D. The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an unsuccessful outcome of weaning were determined in 36 The Yang-Tobin Study was a prospective cohort study that described two new indices, the rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) and the compliance, respiratory rate, oxygenation, and maximal inspiratory pressure (CROP) index. Yang KL(1), Tobin MJ. Author information: (1)Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, and Plmax. METHODS: The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an unsuccessful outcome of weaning were determined in 36 patients, and the predictive accuracy of

Índice de Yang-Tobin o sea frecuencia respiratoria/ volumen corriente en litros (f/ VC). Es el “rapid sha- llow breathing index” (RSBI)(15) con un punto de.

Yang KL(1), Tobin MJ. Author information: (1)Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, and Plmax. METHODS: The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an unsuccessful outcome of weaning were determined in 36 patients, and the predictive accuracy of Tobin and Jubran also note the importance of prior probabilities in determining the performance of a diagnostic test. In the original study, Yang and Tobin selected patients who “were considered ready to undergo a weaning trial” by their primary physicians. Background: The Yang Tobin Index (Y/T) is a simple and objective measure to predict successful extubation. There are no Colombian studies supporting the use of Y/T as a predictor of successful

Measurement corporate value use Tobin?s Q ratio. Penerapan IFRS terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi pada perusahaan Sektor Tekstil yang Listing di BEI). Available at: .

23 May 1991 Yang KL(1), Tobin MJ. METHODS: The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an unsuccessful  Yang and Tobin described RSBI as the ratio of respiratory rate (RR) to tidal volume (VT), with a threshold value of >105 breaths/min/L being highly predictive of  Predicts successful extubation, to be used only as a single component of the clinical picture. 23 May 1991 Karl L. Yang, M.D.,; and Martin J. Tobin, M.D. The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an  The Tobin index was obtained through the relationship between respiratory rate and tidal volume Tobin MJ, Yang KL – Weaning from mechanical ventilation. 23 May 1991 KARL L. YANG, M.D., AND MARTIN J. TOBIN, M.D.. Abstract number of threshold values of an index; the area under the curve reflects the 

28 Jan 2013 Background—Aortic valve area index adjusted for pressure recovery Heinrich RS, Fontaine AA, Grimes RY, Sidhaye A, Yang S, Moore KE, Levine RA, Yoganathan AP . Tobin JR, Rahimtoola SH, Blundell PE, Swan HJ . Indeks yang diberi nama Indeks Stabilitas Keuangan (ISSK) merupakan suatu indeks yang indikator yang disebut dengan Banking Pressure Index (BPI). Brainard, W.C. dan J. Tobin, (1968), “Pitfalls in Financial Model Building”,. American  Karl L. Yang, M.D., and Martin J. Tobin, M.D. The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an unsuccessful outcome of weaning were determined in 36 The Yang-Tobin Study was a prospective cohort study that described two new indices, the rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) and the compliance, respiratory rate, oxygenation, and maximal inspiratory pressure (CROP) index. Yang KL(1), Tobin MJ. Author information: (1)Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, and Plmax. METHODS: The threshold values for each index that discriminated best between a successful and an unsuccessful outcome of weaning were determined in 36 patients, and the predictive accuracy of Tobin and Jubran also note the importance of prior probabilities in determining the performance of a diagnostic test. In the original study, Yang and Tobin selected patients who “were considered ready to undergo a weaning trial” by their primary physicians.